Saturday 1 June 2013


Well, you've come a long way to get to the last assingment of the year!!! 
You might remember how appalled I was by the huge number of students I had sitting in front of me, expecting me to tell them how much English they would learn along the year, how fun the lessons would be, the high grades I would give them... but, instead, I told them they should be abosultely sure that they wanted to take this subject, that they were willing to speak English in class, that they would follow the lesson in English.... and I managed to persuade three students to opt for another subject. However,  three other new students (Paola, Nora & Laura) came in their place. So I still got stuck with the same number of students.

Well, let me first tell you that, against all odds, teaching APLE 1  has been one of the most rewarding working experiences of the year. Despite the number, despite all my "stop spEAKING SPANISH!!!!", despite all your complaints.... I must reckon most of you were committed to the subject, engaged well in the different class situations and responded heartily to all my proposals, which, to my mind, made the lessons progress in a good mood. I truly think that you have really improved your oral skills. I think you can understand and communicate more and better than before. I hope I have convinced you that the only way to success is practice or in Picasso's words: "Action is the foundational key to all success".

Here is some advice that might help you be happy:


Below you can fin a jukebox with important tips of wisdom for school and life.

Now as your final assingment, I would like you to look at this year in review and leave partying thoughts and words of wisdom for those to come and also leave your footprint forever.

What are your best memories of this school year? Describe them in detail to help you picture those moments when you open this letter in the future.

What did you struggle with? What were the hard parts of the school year for you, in or out of school? Where are you with those issues now?

What advice do you want to give your future self? Why?

What do you hope you never forget about this time in your life? Why?

Is there something else you’d like to put in this envelope as a memory of this time, or as a present for your future self? What? Why?

What would be some helpful tips you could pass on to the new students?
I would really appreciate your suggestions for next year. Just imagine I am the new English teacher who is coming to our school next year, have never taught APLE, and am a bit lost about it. What ideas and suggestions would you tell her for next year?

You've got a 3 minute recording span in SpeakPipe. Use it up, please. Keep in mind I might publish your comments, so you are not to comment on any teachers, but can comment on what you learnt in your different classes.


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