Wednesday 19 January 2011


1.- Let's revise and practice compartive and superalative adjectives with the following slideshow:
3.- Do the following activities en the interactive book below:

4.- Now listen to the following interviews and answer the questions below. When you finish answering the questions, scroll down and fill in the grids with your full name, my teacher code "galileogalilei" and the class ID: "none". That way, I will be able to see your results.

5.- Now let's play Who Wants to Become a Millionaire? 

6.- How did you do? Now, let's have some more fun with this game. Good luck!  Watch out: I'll be reading your score!!!!

Finally, it is time to play plip and plop. In groups you are going to compare two things without telling the other groups what they are. You will use the words plip and plop instead. If after five clues, no group guessed the words, you will win a point.
1.- Plip is more delicious than plop.
2.- Plip is stronger than plop.
3.- Plip is more expensive than plop.
4.- Plip is usually more colourful than plop
5.- Plip is more alcoholic than plop.
Did you guess the two words?
Plip and plops worksheet

Saturday 15 January 2011

SLAM by Nick Hornby

I hope you are enjoying the book assigned to you this year. The simple fact of reading an unabridged book in English will be quite a feat for you and surely I will acknowledge it.
As agreed, you are going to think of some questions for each of the chapters of  "Slam" and we will discuss them in class.
In order to help you collaborate and make this task more interesting, I have created a document where you will type out your questions and you will all be sharing. In this way, all of you will know the questions your classmates have asked.
The final test will be based on these questions. So take good notice!
If you click on the image below you will be taken straight to the document with the questions. I have typed the first one as an example.

Also in the document below, you can type difficult words or expressions and I'm sure somebody else will help you, or I will, in the last resort. But remember that you mustn't understand every single word in the book. If you come across a difficult word, don't stop, keep reading and only if you think you're losing track of the story, you should check a dictionary or type your word in the document.
You can also help your classmates by translating the word or expression.

You should also know that I will always know who is collaborating in one or another document.

Here you can find the mistakes you made in the Slam exam


I don't know if you've heard of this man, Ted Williams, but he has actually become a star thanks to Internet and YouTube. The site has once again proved itself to be a king maker, as the most anonymous people can become massive stars.

Watch the following video to know about his story and answer the questions below.
When you finish answering the questions, scroll down and fill in the grids with your full name, my teacher code "galileogalilei" and the class ID: "none". That way, I will be able to see your results.


I'm back after the Christmas break with new projects and ideas to help you improve your English. This term you are going to work on your listening and speaking skills with English Central 

English Central offers a unique speech recognition platform which allows you to practice SPEAKING with any video you choose and then get INSTANT FEEDBACK on how well you are doing. This year it comes with new features which include phonetics and vocabulary study.

If you have never used English Central, first of all you'll need to register with your nickname (use your whole name as nickname),  mail account and password. Now you are part of my group of students. Go to Videos and click on Ana Mendez (Galileo Galilei) Channel. 

If you are already familiar with English Central, you just need to login using the nickname and password you registered with last year and go straight into videos to start adding points to your account.

Check the FAQ section to learn about rankings and scoreboard.


Week 1: from Saturday 15th January to Friday 21st January

APLE2: 6,000 points
4th ESO: 3,000 points
3rd ESO: 2,000 points


Week 2: from Sunday 23rd January to Saturday 29th January
APLE2: 7,000 points
4th ESO: 4,000 points
3rd ESO: 3,000 points


Week 3: from Monday 31st January to Sunday 6th February

APLE2: 8,000 points
4th ESO: 5,000 points
3rd ESO: 4,000 points 

Week 4: from Tuesday 8th February to Monday 14th February
APLE2: 9,000 points
4th ESO: 6,000 points
3rd ESO: 5,000 points

Week 5 and LAST: from Friday18th February to Friday 25th February
APLE2: 10,000 points
4th ESO: 7,000 points
3rd ESO: 6,000 points